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Error: Unable to connect. Check your internet connection.

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When the Workshare sign in dialog opens for the first time, you may be prompted to check your internet connection.

This is the error you'll see:
Unable to connect. Please check your internet connection.


Check the internet connection

For example:
  • If you’re using network cables to connect to the internet, ensure they’re plugged in. 
  • If you’re using wireless, ensure you have a signal.

Check the domain names and ports are accessible

Your company may have restrictive firewall settings or might be using a proxy server. Your administrator should add the following domain name and port as an exception or whitelist them:
  • *.workshare.com
  • Port 443
When the Workshare sign in dialog opens for the first time, you may be prompted to check your internet connection.

This is the error you'll see:
Unable to connect. Please check your internet connection.


Check the internet connection

For example:
  • If you’re using network cables to connect to the internet, ensure they’re plugged in. 
  • If you’re using wireless, ensure you have a signal.

Check the domain names and ports are accessible

Your company may have restrictive firewall settings or might be using a proxy server. Your administrator should add the following domain name and port as an exception or whitelist them:
  • *.workshare.com
  • Port 443



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